Membership Rules
1. Only organizations offering archery instruction, including but not limited to camps, schools, archery ranges, and organized recreational programs may join the Camp Archery Association (aka the CAA or the "Association."). Individuals may not join nor may they buy or confer awards.
2. The CAA's program, awards, and administrative materials including its website and everything that may be downloaded from it, are copyrighted and are the intellectual property of the Camp Archery Association.
3. Members in good standing, meaning those which have paid their dues for the current year and are acting in accordance with the rules of the association, may use the program and related materials.
4. Members do not have the right to reproduce awards or other materials unless such reproduction is specifically allowed or unless the member first obtains the express written permission of the CAA.
5. Awards may be granted only in accordance with the CAA program guidelines.
6. Archers who do not comply with range safety regulations, as deterimined by the member organization, may be denied performance awards. Otherwise members shall not discriminate in recognizing archers' achievements based on any factors other than their archery performance.
7. Membership in the CAA is a privilege, not a right. The Association retains the right to decline membership to any applicant, or to terminate a membership at any time, at its sole discretion.